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Second Life of Things. Coswick Children Arts and Crafts Festival

Every year right before its professional celebration, Forest Worker Day, Coswick has its Children Arts and Crafts Festival which is attended by almost all the kids of the company’s employees. Now it has become a great beloved tradition that unites our team and our families. It helps foster imagination and a new outlook on mundane things, see the beauty in them. It is an opportunity to once again get in touch with nature, our favourite material, wood and feels its warmth and energy.

This year young artists and craftsmen and their helpers were asked to show their ideas on a slightly unusual topic that has less to do with natural materials, yet a very pressing one: The Second Life of Things.

Turns out, it’s a lot of fun! What could you do with an old PC mouse or egg packaging? Or with a grater or old shoes? Why do we keep these plastic bottles at home, again, and what is this tennis racket for, since no one seems to have used it in ages? Or this old roaster? You could easily dispatch it all into the dustbin and call it a day. Except for that most of these things will add to the mountains of rubbish to pollute our planet for hundreds, even thousands of years.

But what if we give them a second life? Try to find a new, maybe unexpected use for them and so do our part in reducing the amount of waste. A bit of imagination and work and you get an interesting new thing to brighten up the apartment, or a unique souvenir, or a nice flower pot for the sill, or a one of a kind piece of art, or…

Well, you better see for yourself how our children see everything around us in a fresh and ingenious way. Certainly all of these creations should get a chance at “life”. Hopefully, you will also take a look before throwing something away and just consider what else could it be.

Great many thanks to all the kids and their parents for participating, supporting and having a good time! And looking forward to the next Festival!


Second Life of Things. Coswick Children Arts and Crafts Festival  Second Life of Things. Coswick Children Arts and Crafts Festival  Second Life of Things. Coswick Children Arts and Crafts FestivalSecond Life of Things. Coswick Children Arts and Crafts FestivalSecond Life of Things. Coswick Children Arts and Crafts FestivalSecond Life of Things. Coswick Children Arts and Crafts Festival  Second Life of Things. Coswick Children Arts and Crafts Festival  Second Life of Things. Coswick Children Arts and Crafts Festival  Second Life of Things. Coswick Children Arts and Crafts FestivalSecond Life of Things. Coswick Children Arts and Crafts Festival  Second Life of Things. Coswick Children Arts and Crafts Festival  Second Life of Things. Coswick Children Arts and Crafts Festival Second Life of Things. Coswick Children Arts and Crafts FestivalSecond Life of Things. Coswick Children Arts and Crafts Festival  Second Life of Things. Coswick Children Arts and Crafts Festival  Second Life of Things. Coswick Children Arts and Crafts Festival  Second Life of Things. Coswick Children Arts and Crafts Festival  Second Life of Things. Coswick Children Arts and Crafts FestivalSecond Life of Things. Coswick Children Arts and Crafts Festival