/    /  Safe Haven for two

Safe Haven for two

The interior design of this 84 sq.m. apartment was chiefly determined by its location. It is situated in a forested countryside residential area right by a water reservoir called the Minsk Sea by the locals. Nature-inspired colours and natural materials combined with a minimal use of superfluous details have kept from overloading the interior and set the key accents: a cozy, calming country life space that blends right in with its surroundings.


The mood is set with various green and sandy tones and their combinations. The colours of walls, floors, furniture facades and textiles enhance each other to create a comforting, peaceful space. Yet, the subtle use of colours and textures, accentuations make for an interesting, multifaceted interior design.


The one place not to use the colour green is the bedroom, instead going for a sensuous burgundy. There, a bog oak veneered wall panels and machined panels corresponding to the colours of the cabinet furniture provide for a cozy and soft atmosphere together with the warm sandy walls.


The most fascinating and complicated element of décor, the handmade solid oak panel, was placed right at the heart of the apartment, in the TV area. All the cabinet and bathroom furniture the kitchen as well as wall panels were made in accordance with a custom design. The bathroom is fitted with a stunning onyx-like tiling.


The floor covering also reflects the idea of nature that informed the core of the project. Living areas are fitted with light warm shade Coswick hardwood flooring, pleasant grainy to the touch. Ceramic granite tile in natural stone pattern was laid in the kitchen. All coverings are installed without a baseboard molding that makes the boundary between the walls and the floor less visible. The interior design was precisely what the Clients wanted.


Coswick flooring used in the project – Oak Snowdrop


Project by Kseniya Mitskevich


Photo: Igor Nasvetnikov


Hardwood Flooring Design Center “Atmosphere of parquet”Minsk


Safe Haven for two


“Working with clients was a great pleasure, we blazed through the project. “Hearty, easy-going, optimistic” could easily be said of them as people just as much as of their interior design”,  says Alyona Styepuk, Project Manager.