/    /  Solan Project  

Solan Project  

The unusual feature of this project is that the architect managed to combine the tastes and wishes of three generations of people living under the same roof. The main objective of the project was to preserve the effect of the continuity of family values in the broad sense of the word and to convey through the elements of design what unites them and what makes them individual.  Despite the predominance of elements inherent in the style of modern, it was possible to create warmth and comfort in the rooms due to the use of wood, both on the ceiling, walls, such as wardrobe fully lined and hardwood flooring.


A very interesting solution is the arrangement of the windows – on one side of the house you can watch the sunrise, and on the other side of its sunset.


Coswick Chambord, Rocky Reef and Milk Chocolate herringbone hardwood flooring was used in the project.


Architect: Zafar Chaudhry


Coswick dealer: Spanfloors


Photos by: Spanfloors


Solan Project  


Architect: Zafar Chaudhry